Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fort Bragg Cypress

Fort Bragg California is one of my favorite places on earth. This is a stand of cypress trees on the beach there. This painting is the first in a change of attitude for me. No more fawning over other artist's work. So I'm painting...every day.

"Fort Bragg Cypress" | 6"x6" | Oil on paper | Available Here

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Artists I Enjoy - Edward B. Gordon

I spend too mush time fawning over other artists...I admit it. But I am especially enamored with a select hand full. The first I'll share with you is Edward Gordon. I find his daily paintings especially enchanting. Have a click and a look. You won't be disappointed.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Kind of School

Sonoma Spring | 12" x 12" | Acrylic on panel

I have to get past this idea I have that I need to go somewhere other than Arizona to find beautiful landscapes to paint. Of course I long for the northern California coast and I do plan to take a trip there to visit family and paint my heart out...but that doesn't mean I should ignore this wonderful place in which I live.

Arizona is full of amazing scenery and with the exception of the ocean we have it all. There are vast enchanting deserts, soaring mountains, red rock formations, streams, lakes, dense forests and even snow. As a matter of fact Flagstaff is about to get around 14 inches of the stuff in the next couple days. So I need to get off my pity wagon and plein air myself into a artistic coma.

I've also made a wonderful discovery in the Scottsdale Artists' School. They have an amazing selection of ongoing classes taught by accomplished local artists and visiting masters from around the country. The only thing keeping me from joining a class immediately is funding. I'll somehow manage to solve that though and take at least one series this year. I paint nice little landscapes but my desire is to really push my ability up several notches and Scottsdale Artists' School sounds like a great place to start.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Chuck Close

I have given up on waiting around...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Watercolor Play

I've been getting great feedback on watercolor pieces that I've painted with Yupo paper. If you haven't heard of it Yupo is a synthetic paper made in the U.S. that is extremely flexible. And by synthetic I mean in polypropylene.

I love it because of the way watercolor paint lays and moves on it. Once dry the watercolor pigments won't rub off BUT if I want to adjust a section I can easily do so with water. I have even completely washed off a sheet of Yupo and reused it for another painting.

Here are four pieces I painted on Yupo. You can see them and more on Denton Loomis {Artist}.


Monday, January 21, 2013

It's a new year and time to start posting. This is a piece from 2012 that didn't make it to the blog. It's part of my Cloudscape series.
"It's a New Day"
Acrylic and texture on wood

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Calm and Clearing

My next few posts will focus on my 2012 paintings. This year has been a productive one for me I paint as often as I can but I have specifics days that I have dedicated solely to painting.  It's wonderful to know that if I let life get away from me I have days on the calendar to reset my brain.

This piece is called Calm and Clearing.  Sometime I title paintings from song lyrics [a lot of times actually] and sometime, like this one, the name comes from the feeling of the piece.

Clear and Calming is 20"x20" on wood and has 1 1/2 inch deep painted sides. It has a heavily textured base and is painted with acrylic.

You can also view it here and here.

CALM AND CLEARING by Denton Loomis | Landscape Art

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Plain View

I've had this...what is for me a...gigantic piece of wood panel sitting in the corner of the garage waiting for me to pay it some attention. This new series is just what it's been waiting for.  At 48" wide it is big compared to the other pieces and it gave me a lot of room to expand on the clouds theme.

"Plain View"
48" x 30" with 1.5" deep painted sides.
It is painted in acrylic and texture on wood and is available here.

PLAIN VIEW by Denton Loomis | Contemporary Landscape

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Line 'Em Up

I paint as often as I can but every other Saturday is "Studio Saturday" for me. It was my lovely wife's idea to give me a day where I could dedicate all my energy to making art.

This piece is "Line 'Em Up" which also happens to be the title of a song by my favorite artist James Taylor.

36" x 19" with 1.5" deep painted sides. It is available here.

LINE 'EM UP by Denton Loomis | Contemporary Lnadscape

Monday, June 11, 2012


I have three commission pieces to paint in the next few weeks. To jump start my brain I painted this as a challenge to combine some of my favorite abstract techniques with a much more representational subject. When you view this...what do you feel? Does it take you somewhere?

"Cloudscape" is acrylic and texture on a cradled wood panel.
15" x 30"  - Denton Loomis (c) 2012

CLOUDSCAPE by Denton Loomis | Contemporary Landscape

Friday, June 1, 2012

Spring Beach

I've been fascinated with earth, sea and sky lately. It seems all of my paintings regardless of original intent end up with similar I'll call it a series. My goal is to morph my efforts toward more abstract yet recognizable forms.

SPRING BEACH by Denton Loomis | Contemporary Landscape

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's stunning to think what it took to accomplish this video. AND it's a wonderful interactive community builder.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Custom Illustration - Gift

I created this illustration recently as a baptism gift for a friend.
It's available here.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


File this securely in the category of "I Wish I'd Thought of That."
Illustrated by Justin Mezzell

Monday, May 2, 2011

We Share a Star - Susan G Komen Fundraiser

We Share a Star - Susan G Komen Fundraiser

We Share a Star - Susan G Komen Fundraiser
"We Share a Star" is a special print that will make a difference for the Susan G Komen Foundation and breast cancer research.

My friends at Mammaries In Motion [ ] work all year long fundraising for the 3 Day Walk. They hold the Tee It Up for TaTas in May and a larger version of this print will be part of their silent auction.

You can support their efforts with the purchase of this 8"x10" print. All $20 of each print I sell will be donated to Mammaries In Motion which in turn will be given to the Susan G Komen Foundation.

The print can be purchased here:

Thank you for your support!

Creative Quote by Ira Glass

Keep pushing, doing, creating and learning....rinse and repeat.  Found at Put This On

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Keep Calm - Orange on Blue

I love love love this color combination.  It was inspired by my son's robot t-shirt.  The colors that is!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Keep Calm - Illustrated


The original Keep Calm and Carry On was a poster produced by the British government's Ministry of Information and intended to raise the morale of the British public under the threat of impending invasion. 

We live in stressful times. I hope that this poster is a peaceful reminder to take a deep breath and keep moving forward. Look at it closely and you will probably find something to smile about.

I illustrated this in ink then applied some digital magic. This first release is in red honoring the original 1939 printing. Keep your eyes peeled on my shop for many more color choices. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Eleven Trees Gray

"Eleven Trees Gray"

Eleven stout little trees on a textured gray background. 

This is a print of my original ink drawing "Eleven Trees." It is printed on 140 pound high quality, fine grained paper.

See the blue edition here:



Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Say say say what you want but don’t play games with my affection.

Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson were an unlikely duo but the song worked. Billboard placed it at number 35 in the all time top 100. 

This is a digitally magicated ink illustration.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Ampersand, originally uploaded by DentonLoomis.

The ampersand is an odd and wonderful symbol and one that we don't use much anymore. I usually draw something similar to a capital E with a vertical line through it. Nothing at all like this beautiful creature.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Shut the Front Door!

It's the perfect thing to say in polite company when you can't drop the dreaded f-bomb. And it feels almost as good. Helps you vent. Makes everyone laugh.

This is a print of my original illustration and is printed on heavy 8"x10" art paper. 

I feel better now.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Six - Original Illustration

Tear drops? Feathers? Aspen Leaves? Whatever they are there are six of them.

This is a print of my original illustration. It was originally created in ink, then digitally 'magicated'.

It is printed on heavy 8"x10" art paper.  It will be available in several other colorways.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I spent some quality time at the doctor office this week and had time to create this.  I'm thinking maybe an ampersand, asterisk or at symbol would be a good follow-up.
8"x10" - Ink on paper then digitally magicated.

Friday, March 18, 2011



Ink on paper

Colorways coming soon to

Avian Tears

"Avian Tears"


Ink drawing on paper

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Proposal

This video is just so sweet and creative. I plan to find and highlight the artists that helped him.

Monday, February 21, 2011

We Were Promised Jetpacks

I love screen printing and creative gig posters so this is right up my ally.  Created by and available at El Jefe Design this three color screen print is beautiful, creative and whimsical.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Exhibition of Contemporary Art in the Park Chaudfontaine, Belgium

I'm not usually a fan of every day items recreated as art. Jeff Koons doesn't do anything for me. But when something is represented in a unique way I just love it. This clothes pin is hilarious.

Beautiful Dust

Beautiful Dust, originally uploaded by DentonLoomis.

It is beautiful and humbling to think that we all came from the same place...and we will all return there. Unless of course you get rich and have your ashes blasted into space...but I guess the effect is the same.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Denton Daily Drawing-2/11/2011

"You Spin Me Right Around"
White-Out on black card stock.

An interesting painting style from Holton Rower.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Denton Daily Drawing-2/10/2011

"Fluer de Bizarre"
Ink on paper


A simply stunning piece of art, physics and architecture that is completely wind powered.

Umerus 2009 from Strandbeest on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Denton Daily Drawing-2/9/2011

Margaret Kilgallen

"Everybody can make things with their own's just they can't always be looking for perfection. They have to allow themselves to make mistakes and go with something that might be a little crooked or a little smooshed and people used to go with those things and nowadays those aren't beautiful anymore to people's eyes. I think it's the part that's off that's interesting. "That even if I spend a lot of time going over the line and over the line trying to make it straight, I'll never be able to make it straight. And from a distance it might look straight but when you get close up you can always see the line waver. And I think that's where the beauty is."
~Margaret Kilgallen (October 28, 1967 – June 26, 2001)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Denton Daily Drawing-2/8/2011

I didn't post this for any reason in particular. The thought just popped into my head this afternoon and I thought it would be an interesting drawing. Having said that...we all know 'that guy'. He makes other guys look bad. He's crass, has no class and treats waiters like crap. DON'T be that guy.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Denton Daily Drawing-2/2/2011

"Be Brave Enough"
A great quote by Alan Alda. This is a concept mock-up for a poster I'm developing and planning to screen print.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Denton Daily Drawing-1/27/2011

What's the point if you don't? Know what I mean? This phrase got stuck in my head yesterday and I drew it quickly to get the idea started. See:
I fleshed out the idea today in ink and watercolor to make it pop.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Denton Daily Drawing-1/26/2011

Denton Daily Drawing-1/26/2011, originally uploaded by DentonLoomis.

I had delusions of grandeur with this.  I drew this fairly quickly and as these things tend to it took on a life of it's own in my head.  I continued the idea on a good quality piece of paper that you will probably see tomorrow...though it will look mucho different.  See you soon!

A New Take On Everyday Things

I love it when I see familiar things done in unique, inventive or artistic ways. This house number sign [or perhaps it's a business] is a perfect example. It is easy to see, structural and takes advantage of the sun to create interesting shadows. As seen on Remodelista.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Denton Daily Drawing-1/19/2011

I am attracted to mid-century modern design. My art has always trended toward organics and this piece seems to be a blend of the two.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Five Forks - Three 2s - One

Every day that I draw I get a teeny tiny bit better.  Then there are some days that something like this leaks out of my brain.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mamby Pamby Land

So why don't we just chug on over to Mamby Pamby Land where maybe we could find some self-confidence to you, you Jackwagon!

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Banner

This probably doesn't qualify as anything mind boggling but I drew a new banner for this blog. [look up]  I'm using it on my Twitter page although with the changes that are on the way I'll need to figure something else out.  If you are interested in my ramblings have a look at my Facebook and Flickr pages too.
Peace{in our world}

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Skull a Day...for a year!

Holy smokes...when I ran across this on the Etsy blog I was blown away. I've already committed to a daily drawing and am loving it but this idea helped me realize that creating anything every day will help my entire creative being. In this project I think Noah Scalin got much more out of it than he expected.  His blog documents his entire project...and more.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Daily Drawing - 1/7/2010

I'm working on a piece that will have some tulips in it.  My sketch turned into a Daily Drawing.  I'll be sure to post the painting when it's complete.
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